How big a problem is back pain in the world?

Low back pain affects approximately 540 million people worldwide, and most are treated in a way that is not consistent with best-practice treatment guidelines, according to editors of a series of articles in The Lancet. Neck pain (PN) Neck pain is widely considered a major global public health problem when looking at personal health, general well-being, and indirect expenses (costs).

How big a problem is back pain in the world?

Low back pain affects approximately 540 million people worldwide, and most are treated in a way that is not consistent with best-practice treatment guidelines, according to editors of a series of articles in The Lancet. Neck pain (PN) Neck pain is widely considered a major global public health problem when looking at personal health, general well-being, and indirect expenses (costs). On average, women report more neck pain than men according to a study that reviewed global databases and clinical articles,1 According to another study, the global occurrence of neck pain reveals a very wide range of 16.7% to 75.1%. What most agree is that neck pain is a common condition that can cause substantial disability, 2.If these are real increases, they are likely to be mainly due to aging and an increase in population numbers (1).

That said, the influence of this will vary from region to region, and there may also be other contributing factors, such as obesity, increased motorization (1), and a willingness to report pain. Costs attributable to low back pain in the UK are estimated at £12.3 billion per year, with £1 billion spent on treatment. I remember the eight months in which I suffered from back pain as a dark period in my life, a time that I feared would never end, when I felt desperate and on the edge. People over 30 and those who are obese or have more weight are more likely to suffer from low back pain.

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and the American Chiropractic Association have stated that 80% of the American population will experience low back pain throughout their lives. Published in Annals of Internal Medicine and based on a review of randomized controlled trials and observational studies, the ACP guide cites heat therapy, massage, acupuncture and spinal manipulation as non-invasive and non-pharmacological options for the treatment of low back pain. While sports injuries or accidents can cause back pain, sometimes the simplest movements, such as picking up a pencil from the floor, can have painful results. In most cases, back pain does not arise from a disease, but from a group of symptoms characterized by acute, subacute, or chronic pain.

It can twist ligaments, strain muscles, break discs, and irritate joints, all of which can lead to back pain. Back pain is one of the most common medical conditions, affecting 540 million people worldwide at any time. They will ask you how long the pain has been occurring, where it is, the severity of the pain, when it tends to occur, if it limits mobility, and any other health conditions that may be related. There is a wide variation from country to country and there are clinical studies to study the occurrence, or prevalence, of neck pain, upper back pain and lower back pain.

In the UK, over the past 20 years, there has been a 12% increase in the likelihood that a person will experience a disability as a result of low back pain; globally, the number of years people with disabilities live for low back pain has increased by 54% in 25 years. There may have been some abuse or trauma that cannot be spoken of, that has had to be suppressed and that manifests itself in physical rather than emotional pain. Back pain can also be the direct result of internal organ disease, such as kidney stones, kidney infections, blood clots, or bone loss. Global Low Back Pain Statistics (LBP) Lifetime prevalence of “common” low back pain is estimated to be between 60 and 70% in industrialized countries.


Shirley Cessor
Shirley Cessor

Typical food practitioner. Beer advocate. Unapologetic travel enthusiast. Extreme burrito aficionado. Devoted zombie enthusiast. Total food fan.