Which exercise is best to relieve back pain?

Walking, swimming, and biking can help reduce back pain. Start with short sessions and increase over time.

Which exercise is best to relieve back pain?

Walking, swimming, and biking can help reduce back pain. Start with short sessions and increase over time. If your back hurts, try swimming, where the water supports your body. Avoid any blow that twists your body.

There are preventive steps you can take to ease episodes and prevent future pain. Focused back and abdomen stretching and strengthening exercises are two of the best ways to relieve lower back pain. Strong abdominal and hip flexor muscles help improve posture, and strong glutes help support the back when walking, standing and sitting. Having well-stretched muscles helps improve mobility.

This traditional yoga pose gently stretches the gluteus maximus, thigh muscles and spinal extensors. Helps relieve pain and tension along the spine, neck and shoulders. To stretch further, add neck rotations during this pose by inhaling to look ahead and exhaling to look back. Do 5 to 10 on each side.

For a deeper hold, simply stay in each position for 5 to 20 seconds at a time instead of moving with each breath. An aerobic exercise is any exercise that uses the large muscles of the body in a rhythmic and repetitive way. Aerobic exercise can cause blood to flow to the back muscles, which can really help them recover from injury and increase their strength. Walking is a good low-impact aerobic exercise option for your back, but swimming can be an even better exercise for back pain if you get back pain.

Be sure to warm up your muscles before stretching them. You should never bounce during stretches, and all stretches should be slow and gradual. Avoid stretching too much, stretch your muscles until you feel only a slight stretch, and hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds. Mobilizing your lower back is important to help your recovery.

The bird dog exercise is shown in the image below and is ideal for mobilizing the lower back. To perform this exercise get on all fours, make sure your hands are directly under your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips. The spine is in a neutral position and you must keep your head aligned with the spine. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, extend one leg and the opposite arm so that they are aligned with your spine.

You should keep your spine in a neutral position at all times, so don't let your lower back sag. Hold for 5-10 seconds, and as you exhale, lower your leg and arm to the floor. Repeat this exercise eight to twelve times, alternating sides. Another great exercise to mobilize your lower back is the bridge, as shown in the image below.

To perform this exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip apart on the floor. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, lift your hips off the floor until your shoulders, hips, and knees are in a straight line. As you inhale, lower your hips to the floor. Stretching your lower back is going to be really helpful in relieving low back pain.

Kneel on all fours, with your knees directly under your hips and your hands directly under your shoulders. Make sure your spine is in a neutral position. Keep your head aligned with your spine, shoulders back, and avoid locking your elbows. Inhale deeply, and as you slowly exhale, bring your butt back toward your heels.

Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds. As you inhale, put your body back on all fours. It's very common for the hamstring muscles, which are located in the back of your legs, to be very tight when you experience pain in your lower back. For this reason, it is recommended to stretch them.

You can see a great stretch for the hamstrings below. To perform this exercise, lie on your back with both feet on the floor and your knees raised. Wipe a towel under the ball of one foot. Stretch your knee and slowly pull the towel.

You should feel a gentle stretch on the back of your leg, try not to overdo it. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat twice for each leg. Another muscle that can be tense when you have pain in your lower back is the piriformis, a muscle in your butt.

The stretching below is really effective for stretching this muscle and is very easy to do. To perform the exercise, lie on your back and cross your right ankle over your left knee. Hold the thigh of the left leg and take a deep breath. As you exhale, pull your knee toward you.

Repeat twice for each side. It's also good to stretch your hip, because your hip flexor muscles are often tense when you have pain in your lower back. When your hip flexors are tight, it can alter your posture, leading to what is known as the “Donald Duck posture,” in which your butt protrudes too much. This tightens the lower back and can cause pain in the lower back.

To stretch your hip flexors, kneel with one knee on the floor and the other foot in front with your knee bent. Push your hips forward and keep your back in. Repeat twice on each side. If you experience lower back pain when exercising, once you start again, gradually work your way up to the previous movements.

Studies confirm that when people with back pain begin a regular exercise program, including resistance exercise or strength training, they are more likely to have less pain and can return to work and be active again. The following exercises are intended to strengthen and improve the flexibility of the muscles to support the lower back. The plank exercise mainly works the abs, but it also involves the arms, shoulders, hip flexors and feet, making it a good stability exercise for the whole body. These exercises are extremely gentle, but of course, listen to your body and stop if you experience any pain.

To perform this exercise, lie on your back, place a small cushion under your head and bend your knees. Stretching, strengthening, and conditioning exercises can result in stronger muscles that support the spine and body weight. We even started exercising people the day after back surgery, says Maria Mepham, a physical therapist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. Regularly stretching the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that support the spine is an important element of all back exercise programs.

Examples of high-impact aerobic exercises include jogging or running (especially on a hard surface), playing tennis, some types of dancing, and any other exercise that twists or twists the spine. In addition to exercise and muscle strengthening, other preventive measures for low back pain include maintaining a healthy weight and quitting smoking. It also exercises the extensor muscles of the back, which attach to the back of the spine and allow the person to stand up, bend, and lift objects. .


Shirley Cessor
Shirley Cessor

Typical food practitioner. Beer advocate. Unapologetic travel enthusiast. Extreme burrito aficionado. Devoted zombie enthusiast. Total food fan.