Why back pain after c section?

Hormonal changes The body releases these hormones regardless of whether you have a vaginal delivery or a cesarean section. Because it's easier to strain your back when your joints and ligaments are loose, lighter activity could cause pain in your lower or middle back.

Why back pain after c section?

Hormonal changes The body releases these hormones regardless of whether you have a vaginal delivery or a cesarean section. Because it's easier to strain your back when your joints and ligaments are loose, lighter activity could cause pain in your lower or middle back. The vast majority of women who experience postpartum back pain develop symptoms due to pregnancy-related changes in the musculoskeletal system that persist after delivery. The information is produced and reviewed by more than 200 medical professionals with the goal of providing reliable and unique information for people with painful health problems.

Having a pain-free back after labor and delivery will help first-time mothers care for their newborn more effectively and enjoy the early stages of motherhood. Coccidynia causes severe pain in the lower spine and makes activities such as getting out of a chair or bed painful. Persistence of Post-Pregnancy Back Pain Symptoms and Changes in Bone Mineral Density as Measured by Quantitative Ultrasound: A Two-Year Longitudinal Follow-up Study. While this keeps the baby safe, many women tend to suffer lower back pain after cesarean section, along with the pain that accompanies stitches and regular surgery.

Although pain can be the result of the body accepting delivery and the end of pregnancy, there are aspects that also point to certain medical reasons. For a C-section delivery, back pain after cesarean section begins the moment the effects of anesthesia begin to wear off. While postpartum back pain is common and usually resolves on its own after a few weeks, severe pain can also indicate an underlying neurological problem or even an infection. Therefore, epidural-related back pain could be initiated by the loss of normal joint protective reflexes due to anesthesia, leading to prolonged maintenance of poor posture and stressed positions during labor.

Shirley Cessor
Shirley Cessor

Typical food practitioner. Beer advocate. Unapologetic travel enthusiast. Extreme burrito aficionado. Devoted zombie enthusiast. Total food fan.